After reading and interested in having your child dedication, please fill out Info Form below


What is Child Dedication?

It is a time when parents and often extended family, publicly commit themselves to raise their child according to God’s Word, and in the nurture and love of the Lord Jesus Christ ... committing the child to God and His purposes for the child’s life.

There are no age restrictions for the child, though normally you will often see infant through younger children. 

Why do we dedicate children at New Harvest?

Raising kids is an incredible (and tough) job, and we’re here to support the parents!

We gather together as family and friends to celebrate the gift of a child that God has given.  The church family shares in the nurturing, and praying for the child and for the parents .. as they have an awesome responsibility to guide, teach, pray for and lead their children. 

During the Worship Service (10 a.m.), Pastor Terry will ask those who have connected with him prior about dedicating their child, as well as any extended family that would like, to come forward for the dedication and prayer time.

Pastor Terry prays blessing over the child and the church family is asked to signify they will help support the parents.

We believe Psalm 127:3, which says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

If you would like your child dedicated, please fill out the following information.


TBD @ 10 a.m.

Please fill out the information below & submit.